Public tenders process


EIR procurement schedule


Billing schedule

Public Procurement in the Czech Republic

When selecting providers of EIRs we are obliged to follow provisions of Law No. 134/2016 Coll., Act on Public Procurement ("APP”). In this process The National Library of Technology carries out the role of central purchasing body in accordance with Art. 9 of APP.

Under Czech law, publishers have two options as far as CzechELib public tenders are concerned:

  1. The publisher decides to go through the public tender directly (as a publisher/provider).
  2. The publisher decides to select an agent who will administer the process for him.

Find Law No. 134/2016 Coll., Act on Public Procurement ("APP”) in English version here. The published translation of Law No. 134/2016 Coll., Public Procurement, is for information purposes only; only the Czech version of the said Act, as amended, is legally binding, i. e. only the Czech version of the related legal regulations.

Find Law No. 134/2016 Coll., Act on Public Procurement ("APP”) in Czech version here.

Send the signed and scanned document via email to and send original to: NTK, CzechELib, Technická 6, 160 80 Prague 6, Czech Republic. These proclamations are a necessary and essential condition for approval of the tender procedure by the Czech government.
Please use your company's letterhead for the above mentioned proclamation, but do not make any adjustments to the text as it fully corresponds with the relevant provisions of the Czech law.

Should you have any questions, please don´t hesitate to contact us at