Our services

Besides the access to EIRs themselves, CzechELib provides the following services:

  • collect the users‘ requests in regard to the provision of EIRs;
  • collect price quotes from publishers;
  • assess the users‘ interest in EIRs after obtaining the price quotes;
  • negotiate the most advantageous terms of contracts, in compliance with set priorities;
  • prepare contracts and other legal documents;
  • execute the purchase and carry out payments and invoicing;
  • administer databases (member institutions, EIRs etc.);
  • handle revisions (IP addresses, assignments and terminations, changes, splitting and joining of titles) and complaints;
  • collect and evaluate statistics about the usage of resources;
  • provide users with bibliometric services on demand;
  • set a long-term archive of purchased EIRs (in compliance with the contract terms) in case publishers cease to exist or function;
  • provide information and reference support, organize educational activities, workshops for users, international conferences etc.