
3. 4. 2023

SCOAP3 journals

The NTK has concluded an amendment with CERN at the end of 2022 to extend the SCOAP3 journals phase 3 initiative for another 2 years, i.e. until the end of 2024. The terms and conditions for the period 2023-2024 remain unchanged, the annual fees of the Czech member institutions will be the same for the next two years as for 2020-2022.

2. 3. 2023

Springer Nature Open Access Kick off Summit for the Czech Republic

On March 2, 2023, we celebrated together the signing of the first Springer Nature transformation agreement with the Czech Republic at the Springer Day event at NTK. At the conference, in addition to a detailed update on the transformation agreement for the Czech Republic and a quick overview of the corporate strategy, we discussed next steps such as "How Springer Nature will support the transition to open access". Thank you all for your participation and active discussion.

24. 1. 2023

Transformation contracts 2023+

NTK has entered into 11 of the 13 transformation contracts for 2023+. Contracts with ACS and AIP publishers are still under negotiation. Access to their resources is secured from 1/1/2023, but article approval will only be operational once the contract is signed.